Sunday, January 31, 2010

esa si

Well as some may have read from a past post I was on a mission to getting my self healthy, and I have news. So I have been doing good on my plan, and yes I did join weight watchers and started moving more. So far I have lost 7.4 pounds in 3 weeks! And there is no depriving myself, with weight watchers Im keeping track of what I eat, but it is not a diet of any sort.

More news..
I got an internship as a fashion writer for a local magazine, and I am so excited!
I was inspired by the artist on my last post and by so many beautiful illustrations I have seen that I am working on a project, which should be done in a few days.

Here is my looklet today, I wanted to make her look like a bad girl, I think the sunglasses and backround really achieve that bad girl status, plus the daring outfit (Pantie).

xoxo anna

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

art - Manuel Rebollo

Confessions in blue No.8

We all can fly

Manuel Rebollo is an illustrator and graphic designer whos blog I just happen to stumble upon while searching for inspirational art! I'm glad I did stumble upon his blog

we all need a little art in our lives!

xoxo anna

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sporty Jacket, girly outfit

I was inspired by this Lela Rose spring 2010 runway look, and created my own version of it! I work at forever21 and I loved that vilolet jacket once I saw it! The sporty hunter jackets are perfect with girly pieces, In this case the skinny belt would be wrapped around over the jacket and dress!
I got today off of work, I am kind of glad especially because it has been raining! Two days ago I was driving in the freeway when a red car in the left lane next to me skidded and did a complete 180! It was scary to watch, I want the storm to be over! It is sooo dangerous!

Yesterday was my first day of school :) I love my merchandising class, I know it will be a great learning experience and fun! My instructor is Korean and also teaches at the art institutes where she is head of the fashion department, she started working as a buyer in Escada and helped launched stores in Asia, but then she moved here and had other jobs in the industry.

Tomorrow I have 2 more classes which are fashion history and fashion show production, which we get to put together a fashion show in may! :)

stay safe everyone

xoxo anna

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

trail ride

This is the only outfit picture I took this week for work, most of these come out without shoes cause I usually don't put them on until I'm about to leave..especially cause my mom yells at me if I'm all over my room with shoes on! I would really love to have a tile or wooden floor!

So on Monday I went to my local walmart to pick up my gazelle! It was a bit confusing to put it together at first but i got the hang of it! And I also ended up cutting my finger on a raw metal edge, and as i found out today I also had a splinter, and it was a piece of metal from my gazelle!

I quickly went on just to take a snapshot! I have read really good reviews which was also a reason that led me to buy it! look how quickly my legs where moving!
I didn't expect for it to come with a timer, distance monitor and calories burnt, but its great!

well here is my looket, i was inspired this week by what I did at work. I helped merchandise a zone for floorsets and our zone was a trail ride, think of "Legends of the Fall" and "Little house on the Praire"
Next week I start school! I can't wait to start, yes I am excited especially because im starting at a new college!

xoxo anna

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I have been meaning to upload these, so now they are kind of old, they were all taken before i left to work, this last one was on black friday...which was my craziest schedule ever i worked at my first job 12am to 7am and my second job from 10am to 6pm.

two retail jobs during holiday season sucks so much, i had very little sleep and felt horrible working up to 16 hours in a day!!

SO school is starting in 2 weeks, I am excited! Im trying to get a merchandising position at my job, which is forever 21, so hopefully I can work as a visual!!

Here is my looklet for today:

I am starting to save so that by spring break I can go vacation in mexico. I really miss the beaches over there and the bars and clubs!

So in order for me to look my best I bought an exercise equipment, im pretty sure we all remember tony littles infomercials on the gazelle!

I bought it for $80 at along with free site to store shipping! I love the idea of watching tv and beining on this machine, I already watch tv, so I might as well excercise while watching it. Plus I can be more motivated instead of having to get ready to go for the gym or charging my ipod to go running, i can just walking into my living room hope on the gazelle and watch tv!

I am also planning on joining weight watchers this week, I read about it and the POINTS plan sounds good and great for when you want to have more control on what you are taking in. I will definitly be updating about everything, my first meeting is this thursday and hopefully by next week I will have my gazelle!

xoxo anna

Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy 2010!!
I hope this year brings everyone a lot of happiness and goodness to your lives!
here is what I wore new years eve.

I didn't party crazy, but I had a relaxing time with my boyfriend.
I can't wait to start school this month, it feels like it has been a really long break, mostly because i have been working almost non stop!

xoxo ann

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